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When is your next book out?Spurn Me is due out in May 2024 and is my second book in the Immortal Vices and Virtues universe. Spurn Me is part of the Shadow Shifter Bonds season.
Do you ever do special editions? And if so, how can I get a copy?Yes! I currently have one Kickstarter that is in pre-launch phase for A Court of Tangled Threads. I will also be selling overstock from the Immortal Vices and Virtues Kickstarter in my shop.
Are all your books in Kindle Unlimited?A Court of Tangled Threads, Haunt Me, and the Heaven's Heart series are all in Kindle Unlimited.
Are any of your books on apps like Radish?Yes, the Graced series is on Radish!
Will there be more books after A Court of Tangled Threads?Yes! A Crown of Tangled Thorns is the final book in the Tangled Threads series and is due out December 2024.
How many books will there be in the Heaven's Heart series?At the moment, a total of 6 books are planned for the Heaven's Heart series. So far, the reading order is: ​ 1. Deadly Passion 2. Benevolent Passion 3. Winged Passion 4. Ascending Passion 5. Secret Passion (release date TBC) 6. Fierce Passion (release date TBC) ​ There is also a novelette (Stolen Secrets) available in the May-June 2019 edition of Hearts Kiss magazine.
Will each of the Darts (from the Heaven's Heart series) get a book?Yes! So far, Azrael, Z, Seraphina, and Yael's stories are ready! Raze, then Dina, will be next.
Do I have to read Graced first in the Graced series?No, each installment in the series is a standalone book, but I do recommend reading Graced first if you wish to follow the series order. The books definitely make more sense if read in order! Currently, the publication order is: 1. Graced 2. Captive 3. Survivor 4. Bitten 5. Ashes 6. Freedom
Will Elle, Clay, Dante and Anton feature in any more stories?Yes! While they may not be main characters in the next books, they will definitely be important to the story and you'll continue to follow their journey. You couldn't keep Elle off the page!
Will there be more books to follow Graced?Yes! There are five more books out!
Can you please remind me which eye colors and abilities go together in Graced?Eye colors denote the races in the Graced series. Brown is for regular humans, purple for vampires, and yellow for weres. The Graced - a race of psychic humans - have the remaining eye colors. The following abilities are tied to these colors:​ Blue - empathy Green - telepathy Grey/gray - telekinesis Teal - you'll need to read Graced to find out! Red/pink - you'll need to read Graced to find out! Black - you'll need to read Bitten to find out!
When is your next anthology coming out?It was released in 2020! Check out the anthology page for more information.
How many anthologies have you edited?Nine (including the six I co-edited). They range from fantasy, to post-apocalyptic, to horror, to paranormal noir, and to urban fantasy. If you like short stories, then you'll enjoy these!
How can I ask a question that isn't on the FAQ?If there's a question you wish to ask that hasn't been answered here, please email Amanda using the contact form.
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